Frequently Asked Questions
“We are thrilled to get creative so that Etta can be in the Milkweed class. The growth we have seen in her personality, curiosity, and the increased confidence has been so fun to watch. We have included more activities at home that were introduced at school and are always blown away by the very happy, and sleepy, child we pick up.”
They are! If you are interested in scheduling one, you can do so here.
Classes begin in August and run through May. We typically start one week after MCCSC (the local public school system), and end one week earlier. When our school year ends, we host a two weeks of summer bonus days for currently enrolled children. We follow the MCCSC calendar for vacations, closures and weather related late starts. We are also closed on Good Friday. If the public schools are closed, or are implementing a virtual learning day, we will be closed. If MCCSC is on a two-hour delay start, all St. Mark’s classes will begin at 11:15 AM and dismiss at 12:30 PM.
Nursery school hours are 9:30 am to 12:00 pm. KinderGARDEN hours are 9:00am to 12:30 pm.
Children do NOT have to be potty trained to come to St. Mark’s – we welcome children in all stages. As a child demonstrates readiness, parents and teachers will communicate and work together to support the child’s independence with this skill. Teachers will assist parents with the potty training process by reinforcing at school the efforts made at home.
At St. Mark’s Nursery School and Kindergarten, we follow an emergent curriculum which means that the curriculum is guided by the interests and needs of the children and can change from minute to minute. With information gained through parent questionnaires, daily communication with families, individual and group conferences, developmental screening tools and daily observation and interactions, teachers prepare the indoor and outdoor classrooms with activities and materials that incorporate each child’s interests, and consider differences in their development, always thinking of the whole child and what they need. Informed by our knowledge of the progression of play, social-emotional skills, physical ability and cognitive understanding, teachers adapt the environment to meet children where they are and challenge them to take the steps necessary for growth. Our intentionally curated environments complement our relationship based approach to foster a child’s development in all areas.
Within our indoor and outdoor classrooms children have opportunities to create art, build, take risks, sing, explore books and literacy, socialize, move, be alone, pretend, observe, experiment, and wonder. When the children's interests don’t follow what has been prepared, teachers are flexible and make the necessary changes for the children.
In our child led program, teachers listen to the children throughout the year and collaboratively decide on topics of inquiry. As teachers facilitate discovery and exploration of topics, kindergarten students learn skills while participating in project work, centers, and small and large group time. These activities meet and exceed the Indiana State standards as well as the requirements and expectations of most first grade programs throughout our area.
Every day, children are given multiple opportunities to engage in free play, where many do their most important work. During play, children learn and practice social skills and communication skills with guidance from their teachers when needed. Teachers observe children’s play and interests to inform both natural and planned teachable moments.
Parents in all classes but Milkweed, Violet and KinderGARDEN are required to join their child’s school day several times per semester, depending on how many days per week the child attends. Families in ALL classes are required to help us care for our indoor and outdoor classrooms by attending one group work day offered several Saturdays and weekday afternoons throughout the year. Parents are expected to attend our annual orientation night and two parent teacher conferences during the year. We invite parents to join or assist our parent committee as they organize community building events and fundraisers throughout the year; however, participation is voluntary.
One of the many strengths of our program is the community we cultivate together, and our in class parent participation requirement is key to this. Providing opportunities for children to have positive interactions with trustworthy adults enhances our classroom experience. Our parents bring unique personalities with skills, talents, knowledge and interests that are shared with the children. Parents value this opportunity as well, and have shared their appreciation for the educational materials they receive in advance, and the chance to experience a school day with their child and their peers. For parents who are unable to participate, please speak with us about alternative ways to contribute to our programming and community.
Tuition is based on the number of days your child attends and the age of your child, which determines their classroom placement. Tuition payments are calculated as 10 monthly installments, but may also be paid annually or biannually. With the exception of the first payment due in July, monthly installment payments are due on the first of each month. Additionally, there is a yearly non-refundable registration fee of $150 due at the time of registration. We accept cash or checks made out to “St. Mark’s Nursery School and Kindergarten” or families can choose to be billed through Famly, our billing and communication app. Click here to register now.
We have two on-staff musicians that visit each classroom weekly. In addition, children in our Foxtail, Dandelion and Kindergarten class have weekly “band practice” with Kid Kazooey where Kevin MacDowell creates a unique and irresistible atmosphere to begin learning musical vocabulary and concepts. Both of these musical offerings are included within our tuition rate.
Our program strives to meet the developmental needs of all children in our care and to support their families. Teachers, parents and administration collaborate to take a proactive approach to ensure we are meeting the needs of every child. Teachers use observation, assessment and parent report to identify needs and implement strategies for each child to engage in our curriculum, communicating openly with families along the way. While it is our wish to be inclusive of all children, we acknowledge that our child led, play based program may not meet the developmental or educational needs of every child. We acknowledge that to continue to do what we do well, we must recognize our abilities and limitations. When it is deemed that we are not providing the least restrictive learning environment for a child, we will assist in directing the child and their family to a program or school that can better support the child's abilities and needs.
We make every effort to provide scholarships to families whenever possible. If you feel that you need financial assistance, please complete a request here.
If you’d like to make a donation to help us ensure St. Mark’s Nursery School and Kindergarten is accessible to all, you may donate here. We appreciate every amount contributed and your intention to join with us in this effort.
St. Mark’s Nursery School and Kindergarten is a not-for-profit community service that was started by St. Mark’s United Methodist Church of Bloomington, IN in 1969. However, at St. Mark’s Nursery School and Kindergarten we do not teach religious doctrine. In keeping with the values of the school’s founders, we focus on developing caring relationships with families, play, and sharing in the experience of wonder in the world all around us with children. We welcome children of every race, religion, nationality, and ability.
Our teachers have backgrounds in education, social work, environmental science, speech therapy and beyond. Many of our teachers are former St. Mark’s parents. All new teachers participate in our very own mentor program. During their first year, our administration partners with mentor/mentee teams to provide comprehensive training, time to reflect on skill development, and support and resources to form strong family partnerships.
Within our greater teaching community, we value continuing education and reflective teaching: learning from leaders in the field of early childhood, each other, and the children and families who belong to our school. Our staff meets monthly to receive informal and formal training, to workshop challenges, and to build a supportive professional community. Our Education Coordinator hosts “watch parties” throughout the year where teachers are compensated for time spent participating in virtual continuing education opportunities. All teachers are trained in Universal Precautions and are re-certified in CPR/First aid every two years. You can learn more about our team here.
Since 1990, St. Mark’s Nursery School and Kindergarten has maintained accreditation from the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). As the nation’s leading voice in early childhood education, NAEYC requires that their accreditation be reviewed and renewed every five years. This complex process involves self-study, evaluation and site visits from NAEYC validators. We are excited to report that St. Mark’s has been commended in all 10 standard areas. We are thrilled that what we do for children and their families is recognized as excellent by the most prestigious national early childhood organization. For more information about NAEYC accreditation, please visit their website.
During the first two weeks of summer, St. Mark’s Nursery School and Kindergarten offers bonus days for currently enrolled families. Summer Bonus Days meet Monday through Thursday morning from 9:30 to 12. These weeks are staffed by our current and former teachers who continue to practice our play-based child-led emergent curriculum while creating outdoor environments that celebrate the many joys of warmer weather. Water play and bubbles are featured daily along with favorite activities from our classrooms throughout the year: dramatic play materials, building blocks and manipulatives, play doh and art materials. Books and songs are woven into the fabric of each day as children’s interests invite. We enjoy these days of free play to explore new spaces and friendships, and welcome the summer months ahead. Registration for this year’s Summer Bonus Days opens February 1, 2024.